World Cup Predictions and Group D Predictions

Posted by Gambling News | Sports Betting News | Tuesday 16 March 2010 2:15 am

The 19th FIFA World Cup takes place in South Africa this year and the competition starts on the 11th June, with the competition completed by 11th July 2010. World cup predictions are going to be vital for punters who are already putting money on the games scheduled to be played. Odds are available all over the WWW and for the best odds and it is essential to have the most up to date and dynamic World Cup Predictions as and when they are released and for the 2010 tournament. This is what site is dedicated to.

The site features an updated main page which encompasses predictions for every individual match, as well as each group. This page also features who they believe will be the World Cup 2010 Champions, based on odds, history and their records of winning on African soils.

Want to know why Brazil has the best odds of being the Champions for 2010? Consult World Cup Predictions and get it straight from the horses’ mouth. At present the odds are 6.00 and a $50 wager will pay $300 if Brazil wins. South American teams have a great winning record on African soils, but check out what they are saying about the UK too.

As the games get closer, World Cup Predictions will change daily, a reliable site with the most up-to-date information is required to make the best of this information. Experts are being consulted and crystal balls are not part of this consultative process. Although not an exact science, these predictions need to be as close to true as the real thing.

Want to wager on Group A, B C, D, E, F, G or H? No Problem, just get over to the section of World Cup Predictions which deals with each of the group games. At the moment the odds are up on Group D predictions as these are more difficult to predict than any other group play.

The reason why Group D Predictions are so hard to make is – have you looked at the rosters? You haven’t then you should! Germany has to get through to this round, and Ghana, Serbia and Australia, have just as good a chance of getting a qualifying place in the 16th round. Check out the group D Predictions now and get your money on the best bet, before the odds change. On the 23rd June when Australia meets Serbia and Ghana takes on Germany, there is going to be some climactic changes taking place in the odds, depending on who wins!

World Cup Predictions makes use of one of the best known sports betting sites online. Bodog is one of the largest and most widely used European sports betting companies and this site also allows wagers from the US.

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