Another Two New Wild Rides For Net Entertainment Slots Fans

Posted by Gambling News | Casino News | Tuesday 15 April 2014 5:48 pm

Wild Water – the latest in an awesome range of online video slots games – is making a massive splash with fans, and making some rather large waves too. The highly innovative Wild Water(TM) features a retro look at the life of the beach bums of the 1960’s and 70’s. As we all know, retro is in, so this game is in with a chance to win, and so will players have a fair chance of winning too.

Wild Water Slots

Wild Water Online Slot Game

Think stunning sandy beaches, babes in bathing suits, a Beach Boys-type soundtrack, and surfers galore. These reels are lined up, and popped into a palm tree decked, idyllic backdrop that makes one immediately feel like diving into the fun. Awesomely crafted graphics and so much fun, is certainly one way to take a break from everyday life, and chill with your fellow beach bums.

Not only is Wild Ride about riding a point break back into times gone by, it is filled to the brim with exciting ways to win. Wild Substitutions, free spins, stacked surfer symbols, and twodifferent bonus features. Drop a Surf Team onto the reels, and get a chance at a massive two-hundred x multiplier. When the Surf’s Up, up to twenty x can be won. See, fun, fun, fun!

While chatting about Net Entertainment and the fabulous gaming opportunities this software developer has on offer, if mobile gambling is your thing, then check out Big Bang. This is the latest edition to burst onto its first-class Touch™ mobile portfolio. Enjoy an intergalactic gambling experience wherever you are and whenever you feel like a game.

Big Bang Slots

Big Bang Online Slot Game

The setting is deep in space, where players may explore parallel galaxies in search of riches. Yes, fans and followers of the latest mobile slots, this is a real money game, with real money prizes on offer. The jewel in the crown of Big Bang is a thirty-two x multiplier that will leave participantsfighting for breath if they win. The more space missions the player signs up for, the more chances they have to win.

These new games from Net Entertainment are already huge hits with players. It is a design company that gets bigger and better, just like its games, and we are looking forward with baited breath to the next new launch of some more enchanting slots. Spellbinding entertainment and adventure, is certainly the name of their game.

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Russia – Latest to Ban Online Gambling Sites – Even PokerStars

Posted by Gambling News | Gambling News,Poker News | Sunday 6 April 2014 3:52 pm

The regulatory landscape for online gambling websites ishugely diverse. However offshore websites are popularly used by millions of fans, even in countries where ostensibly real money gambling activities are not allowed. Most Western European countries have regulatory systems in place, while the majority of the USA, as well as Asian countries don’t have much going in terms of regulation.

Russian courts have made ISP’s responsible for blocking internet gambling websites that are "illegally" offering this form of online gaming, and the latest website to bite the dust is the almighty PokerStars. Here is pays to remember that like most people in the world –the Russians love playing poker. Some of the best WPT, and WSOP players are Russians who first started playing online. Now a November 2012 ruling by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has put a spoke in that wheel. But it does not stop here, some major type of censorship pogrom appears to be on the cards, with opposition news groups and others being affected.

According to the press, this ruling has not been properly enforced since its inception, but things are starting to change. Although land gambling is restricted to special zones, online gambling is strictly speaking – illegal. Access to PokerStars has now been blocked, together with a host of other gambling websites, and even some sites that do not offer real money gambling games.

PokerStars has the lions’ share of the market for online poker globally. The Russian Federation cutting them out of the equation will obviously have an impact on numbers. It is a very large country, with a very large poker following. While we doubt the effects of a ban will put this mammoth poker brand out of business, it could well be a hard knock.

Other A-listed gambling brands to come under the ban include; Ladbrokes, SportingBet, Unibet, Carbon Poker, and the dedicated Russian website. Affiliate sites have been included in the ban and in total,approximately fifty websites have been affected. Although some players are reporting that they are unable to access these websites, but somehow still manage to access tables. Not quite sure how that works, but PokerStars remains positive, and has offered reassurance to fans stating ~ "at this time we do not believe this changes our ability to offer services to Russian players. As such our operations continue as usual."

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Online Gambling Market Reports New Growth For 2014

Posted by Gambling News | Gambling Industry News,Gambling News | Thursday 3 April 2014 12:59 pm

The latest trends in online marketplaces are regularly placed in the spotlight, none more so than trends in online gambling. This massive marketplace has continued to surprised researchers for years, and with development in mobile channels, continues to surprise even more. The latest trends and development findings from has found that this sector continues to grow. No BIG surprises there! Even gambling on social networking sites such as Facebook is getting a good deal of attention.

The increase in use of smartphones and tablets is topping the charts, so too is the use of this technology, increasing both gambling and sports-betting numbers. Currently live, or what we call "brick and mortar" casinos, are still dominating this scene, however, real money gambling online is expected to grow at double-digit rates into the future. Experts are predicting a growth rate of 40% or more by the year 2018, which is not so terribly far down the line.

Besides smartphones, tablets, and the growth spurt that this technology has engendered. There is ever increasing pressure for countries that ban online gambling, to change their regulatory landscapes. Regulations are varied throughout the world, with North America lagging way behind in an industry that in the UK has been legal for years. In fact the UK leads the way’ miles ahead of the rest of the world! Western European countries have some regulations in place, while Asia also lags behind. The pressure is on from both the industry and people who wish to gamble online, to lift anti-online gambling laws, as well as regulate this industry. The argument for regulation is not so that only Governments have better controls, but that players enjoy more protection too.

When speaking about the growth in popularity of gambling online, and its continued success as an online industry leader, we are talking in numbers off Billions of Dollars. It is precisely for this reason that many Governments do not want to legalise and regulate. Why? Well, despite the fact that "moral" arguments are most often espoused, the real reason seems to be Government greed. Online industry is slightly more difficult to control in terms of taxation, as the British Government have found out to their great loss.

But as more advanced tech becomes available, it makes the industry easier to audit and control. However, it seems that most governments around the world would rather have no taxable income from this industry at all, rather than a small slice of something huge.

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Online Gambling Habits Under The Microscope

Posted by Gambling News | Gambling Industry News | Monday 31 March 2014 12:32 pm

We don’t find it very surprising that online gambling habits are regularly placed under the microscope for industry scrutiny. Marketing methods have become more scientific over the years, in particular in the online space, where this industry is now a mainstream model for making money.

Mobile game sales, spending rates, hours spent online and so on, are all grist for the mill for surveyors when attempting to understand how to market to their chosen audience. New research in a report from the Online Gaming Market, 2014, sees that players in Europe spend more time playing, than gamblers on any other continent. The research includes social network platforms such as Facebook, as well as use of mobile devices like smart phones and tablets. Apparently nearly 20% of the entire population enjoys taking a gamble online.

It seems that experts in this industry find these numbers disproportionately surprising, however the facts remain in particular in the UK – consumers eagerly participate in playing online games. Gambling platforms have become a part of everyday life, and half of all UK tablet users make this channel their first choice. There is a definite predisposition for online gambling through mobile technology, which promises much growth for mobile gaming into the future.

Mobile in-game purchases as reported by specialists -Swrve– says that 0.15% of mobile gamblers generates 50% of monthly profits. This is the first Mobile Games Monetization Report Swrve has published, and it is hugely interesting to note that so much money is generated from a such a small number of spenders. But the point is that there are a whole bunch of active players that truly enjoy online, or rather, mobile gambling games.

The study was conducted across "tens of millions of players", the aim being to find precisely "where the money is made". It took a whole month to compile and what was also found to be rather interesting – was that very little data exists to show how consumers relate to“free-mium” games. There are many free online gambling models to take advantage of, and while many players do, there is still this small section of players in the market, generating a great deal of money.

Facts revealed indicate thatwomen tend to wager more, and the over 50 age group makes up a large proportion of the social online casino player index. The myth is also being dispelled that people over 50 arenot computer savvy. The second biggest player category is the 60 – 69 year-old age group.

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Powerhouse – Net Entertainment Continues Exponential Online Gambling Growth

Posted by Gambling News | Gambling News | Thursday 31 October 2013 2:59 pm

When a job is done well it is natural to praise the persons or business that did the job well. This is the natural order of things. When we first played a Net Entertainment game, we were enchanted, thrilled and yes… very well entertained. All those years ago we predicted meteoric success for this company.

This prediction has come true, and no… we are not fortune tellers. The simple fact of the matter is that this dynamic software development firm has continued to challenge its own boundaries, and excel at everything single thing they do.

Net Entertainment has become a powerhouse in the online gambling industry where innovation is king. This innovation shows in the games that they produce, as well as on their bottom line. Third quarter results have seen revenues increase by a massive 25% to SEK 153.1 million. The Swedish firm has therefore seen operating profits climb to SEK 44.5 million, and is also enjoying big profits after tax.

There are now another nine online casinos that have launched with this award winning software, so that is nine more places for us to choose to play these fabulous games. Agreements have also been inked and signed with five more clients, so, if you favourite online gambling brand happens to be William Hill or Ladbrokes, these are two of the new signees.

These two operators are also best of British brands which operate off the Playtech platform, which tells us they are hoping for better performance by adding or switching to Net Entertainment.

We are also not entirely sure of the nature of these agreements. But then the largest gaming operators in the world cannot be wrong by choosing this brand. Ladbrokes has struggled in the past to get their online gaming operations profitable, but with NetEnt gaming on board, perhaps this will change for them.

In the last twelve months Net Entertainment has signed a total of twenty-two new customers, so, no wonder financials are revealing dynamic results. But not only results for NetEnt, for their customers too! This firm has also broken records for giving away the largest progressive jackpot prize money of any other developer globally.

For players to get their hands on the share of the big bucks they give away, check out the MegaFortune PJP networked games, these are the best games to play to win big. New slots games release also include “Secret of the Stones”, set in Stonehenge, and "Magic Portals" in its Touch™ catalogue.

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